Early breast cancer patient recruitment [case study]

Early breast cancer is a specific diagnosis that occurs when cancerous cells have not yet spread from the breast or lymph nodes to other parts of the body. For a recent medical study, a client approached us to recruit patients who had received this diagnosis within the past 5 years to participate in a medical records registry.

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Antidote’s referral management capabilities

Successfully randomizing participants into a clinical trial involves more than just recruiting through advertising outreach. Reaching individuals is part of the equation, but the patient enrollment process spans a much longer journey. That’s why Antidote provides comprehensive referral management services. Our full-service model reduces site burden and improves the patient experience, ultimately ...

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IRT for clinical trials: Key features to look for

Interactive Response Technology (IRT) is an umbrella term that includes Interactive Web Response (IWRS) and Interactive Voice Response (IVRS) systems. These tools serve a critical role in ensuring clinical trials run smoothly, and as technologies develop, their capabilities only continue to expand.

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RTSM: Finding the right randomization & trial supply management system

One of the most crucial parts of running a clinical trial is managing randomization and drug supply levels. Ensuring that the right participants receive the right dosages of the right medication is essential to gathering accurate study results.

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What motivates patients to participate in clinical trials? [Antidote 2023 survey data]

In both 2018 and 2023, Antidote partnered with SCORR marketing to conduct surveys intended to increase the understanding of patients’ perceptions of clinical trials. Our 2018 survey collected data from nearly 4,000 individuals to gain insight into what matters most when considering a clinical trial. Though smaller in scope, the 2023 survey had a similar goal of connecting with patients through ...

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Presbyopia: Insights from the Antidote database [infographic]

Presbyopia, the clinical term for age-related farsightedness, is a condition that most people develop as they age. It’s estimated that the prevalence of presbyopia is nearly 80% for individuals between the ages of 45 and 55.

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Creating patient-centric outreach materials for clinical trial patient recruitment [Antidote 2023 survey data]

In 2018, we partnered with SCORR Marketing to conduct a survey aimed at gaining knowledge about the patient perception of clinical trial participation. We collected nearly 4,000 responses from individuals regarding what matters most to when considering a clinical trial.

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Insights from the Antidote database on type 1 diabetes [whitepaper]

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic, autoimmune disease that occurs when the body mistakenly attacks the pancreatic cells that create insulin. Without insulin, the body can’t process glucose, which can result in extreme blood sugar swings, excessive thirst and hunger, extreme fatigue, and more. Though it is often called “juvenile diabetes,” T1D can occur at any age and is estimated to impact ...

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Health Literacy Month: How industry communication can impact patient health literacy

Since 1999, October has been designated as Health Literacy Month, a month dedicated to promoting patient-centricity in healthcare communications across the industry. Health literacy refers to a person’s ability to find, understand, and use health-related services and make informed decisions for themselves and others.

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The invaluable role of patient-reported outcomes in clinical trials

One of the most valuable outcomes of medical research is the data collected as studies are conducted. Every new study provides researchers with vital information about the impact of potential new treatments on patients and offers useful insights into the practical applications of trial results in the real world.

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