How to get into a clinical trial? Understanding inclusion and exclusion criteria

When determining which clinical trial is the right fit, many factors must be considered. The site location, the number of required visits, and the length of the study are all important considerations, but before any of this, it is vital to consider the study's inclusion and exclusion criteria.

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What happens in each clinical trial phase? [infographic]

Before any new treatment is able to be approved, it is required to go through the vigorous testing process known as clinical trials. These trials are aimed at determining whether or not a drug, medical device, therapy, or other type of intervention is safe and effective for the public.

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Why participating in research can be a rewarding experience

When considering joining a clinical trial, many individuals may feel unsure if it is the right choice for them. There are many things to consider when making this decision, and it is a personal one — but making the choice to participate in medical studies can be rewarding in many ways.

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What to know about endometrial cancer

Also known as endometrial carcinoma or uterine cancer, endometrial cancer occurs when the cells that line the uterus begin growing uncontrollably. Though the mortality rates are relatively low due to the high rate of early detection, it is a cancer that impacts nearly 70,000 people every year.

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On National Cancer Survivors Day, celebrating the power of research

This Sunday, June 2, is National Cancer Survivors Day, designed to be a celebration for those who have survived cancer and an inspiration for those recently diagnosed. Since 1991, the national cancer death rate has dropped by 33%, partially due to advancements in treatment, early detection, and reduced smoking rates.

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Who decides whether you get into a clinical trial?

One may choose to participate in a clinical trial for many reasons. Volunteering often has multiple benefits, from advancing medical research to gaining access to cutting-edge medical care. However, deciding to enroll in a clinical trial is only one part of the process.

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Understanding colon cancer screening guidelines

Colorectal cancer, often shortened just to colon cancer, is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States aside from skin cancers. While there are treatments available, including radiation and chemotherapy, the most important aspect of successful treatment is early detection — which is why knowing the colon cancer screening guidelines is essential.

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Living with PSC: What to know about primary sclerosing cholangitis

An estimated 1 in 10,000 people have primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), a condition that impacts the bile ducts that run between the liver, the gallbladder, and the small intestine. The liver produces bile to transport to the gallbladder for storage or to the small intestine, where it aids in the digestion of fats. In the case of PSC, there is inflammation in the bile ducts (cholangitis), ...

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How to participate in research studies: From searching to enrollment

Participating in medical research is something individuals do for various reasons. Whether a person is interested in contributing to science, accessing potential new treatments, or receiving condition-specific care from experts, there are many benefits to being a clinical trial volunteer — but how does one start the enrollment process?

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How long do clinical trials take?

Before it is released onto the market, the development of any new drug or medical device must undergo rigorous testing, part of which involves clinical trials. Clinical trials are integral to making sure that any new therapy is both safe and effective for individuals, and volunteers are a vital part of the process.

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