Minorities in clinical trials: Why study populations need to match real-world ones

Clinical trials are vital to medical innovation. Before any drug can be stocked on pharmacy shelves, these studies must occur so researchers can evaluate its safety, efficacy, and impact on individuals with the condition in question.

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How to save time with a clinical trial recruitment plan template

Clinical trial patient recruitment is a time-consuming, expensive, and critical part of getting a new trial off the ground. While the idea of spending more time creating a detailed plan in advance may not sound particularly appealing, using a template can actually speed up recruitment timelines in the long run.

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How to increase patient recruitment in clinical trials

There are several ways to increase patient recruitment in clinical trials — from improving outreach materials to better patient communications to working with partners, there are many options for connection. However, for smart recruitment, the first step is to figure out why outreach efforts aren't working in order to find which solution has the best chance of attracting more interested, eligible ...

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Asthma clinical trials: Frequently Asked Questions

Asthma clinical trials need volunteers to participate so new treatments can progress. However, finding and volunteering for a clinical trial can be challenging. We answered some common questions about asthma clinical trials to help interested patients find opportunities that are a match for them.

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How to find diabetes clinical trials near you

While there is still no known cure for diabetes, there is reason to hope: Research for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is consistently underway, and most studies need hundreds or thousands of volunteers to take part.

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7 clinical trial advertising tips for research sites

If it's time to start creating a clinical trial patient recruitment plan, it's important to note that 80% of clinical trials are delayed because of recruitment problems — and that can make the process daunting. In addition to reaching out to patients in the site's database, it is also wise to experiment with clinical trial advertising. These tips can help position sites to meet their enrollment ...

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5 common clinical trial project management mistakes

Getting a new clinical trial off the ground and moving smoothly takes careful project management. Even the best-laid plans can hit snags occasionally, but knowing what to watch for can help keep things organized. When planning for a project, it can be helpful to be aware of the most common mistakes and go into the project armed with advice on how to fix them.

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Relentless Health Value Podcast: How being patient-centric, not trial-centric, can improve clinical trial recruitment and retention

The clinical trial landscape is shifting — but is it enough? Antidote’s Founder, Pablo Graiver, was recently interviewed for the Relentless Health Value podcast to discuss this fundamental question.

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5 project management tips for clinical trials

Many elements must work together for medical research to succeed, which is why project management for a clinical trial is complicated. Creating plans, communicating updates, calculating risk, and addressing delays are all crucial elements of a study's progress.

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The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network shares how patients find clinical trials

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) published an informative whitepaper detailing different approaches to matching patients with clinical trials and providing examples. In it, they state that 66% of cancer patients find clinical trials through their physician or a staff member working on the study, while just 6% found a trial through self-service matching tools, and 6% ...

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