How to Start a Clinical Trial Recruitment Plan [Template]

Clinical trial patient recruitment takes a significant amount of time and resources at research sites. Between choosing advertising channels, writing copy and getting Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, and launching your campaign, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

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Introducing Our Newest Partner: PWNHealth

It's with great excitement that we share that we have officially partnered with PWNHealth, a virtual care company that enables patient access to diagnostic testing, treatment, and professional guidance, to bolster efficiencies in our clinical trial recruitment by incorporating direct-to-patient lab services.

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6 Patient Outreach Tips for Clinical Research Sites

Many clinical research sites have a database of patients to contact about clinical trial opportunities. Your site may also work with clinical trial patient recruitment companies to receive contact information from patients who are interested in taking part in a trial.

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How to Run Effective Clinical Trial Advertising Tests

In clinical trial advertising, running tests to find your most successful ads is one of the best ways to improve your campaigns. But it's also easy to set up tests incorrectly and skew your results. Follow these tips to create effective tests that give you valuable information about the best way to reach your audience.

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Research Pioneers: Meet Allison Kalloo

At Antidote, we aim to make it easy for researchers and patients to connect. And a big part of that work is creating opportunities for people to learn more about medical research and dispelling myths about medical research participation, both for patients and researchers.

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How to Conduct Patient Recruitment Feasibility Research at Your Site

Your site has been chosen as a location for a clinical trial – that's great news. But if you're already well aware that 11% of research sites fail to recruit a single patient, you may be feeling more stressed than excited about the whole process.

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Introducing Our Newest Recruitment Partner: phaware global association®

We’re pleased to share that we have officially partnered with phaware®, an advocacy organization comprised of patients, caregivers, and medical professionals who are dedicated to creating global pulmonary hypertension (PH) awareness, to provide end-to-end patient recruitment services to pharmaceutical companies and CROs running trials in chronic lung diseases.

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Experts Sound Off: Minority Participation in Medical Research

Increasingly, medical researchers acknowledge the need for more diversity in study participants so that trials can better predict the real-world impact of a drug or medical device. Yet a big question remains: How can researchers better reach diverse populations to drive minority participation in medical research?

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Patient Advocates Weigh In: Why lupus clinical trials need more minority participants

Minority participation in medical research is important for all conditions, but is critical for ailments that disproportionately impact people of color, like lupus.

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Announcing Our Newest Partner: the Lupus Foundation of America

We know that life with lupus can be difficult at times. And while there's no cure, there is hope: through medical research, we can improve the lives of people living with or affected by lupus — and maybe one day, find a cure.

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