Patient recruitment challenges? Try this.

Challenge 1: Unresponsive patients Your sites are receiving email addresses and phone numbers from patients who are apparently interested in your trial. But when the site reaches out to them to follow up about your trial? No response.

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COPD Awareness Month: Looking towards a cure

This month, we observe COPD Awareness Month — a time to educate on the disease while reflecting on how far we’ve come in terms of treatment, and how clinical research is the path to a cure. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, is the third leading disease-related cause of death in the United states. Nearly 16 million people are living with it, and many more may have it without knowing ...

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How a clinical trial helped this Crohn’s advocate finally reach remission

Like many people living with Crohn's disease, Tina Aswani Omprakash had trouble finding a treatment that would send her symptoms into remission.

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How We Delivered 60% of All US Randomizations in a Recent Trial [Case Study]

Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is an autoimmune condition that causes progressive destruction of the bile ducts. Current treatment options focus on delaying progression and managing complications, but it can be difficult to live with the symptoms, like fatigue, itchy skin, and pain, as well.

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Why Researchers are Taking a Diverse Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease

November is Alzheimer's Awareness Month. It's no secret that Alzheimer's is one of the world's most challenging diseases, with limited treatment options – and none of them able to stop or reverse disease progression.

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How Families Can Think about Care Choices – Before a Crisis

November is Family Caregivers Month. Around 34.2 million Americans have provided unpaid care to an adult 50 or older in the last 12 months. Of those, 15.6 million are caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia.

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Alzheimer’s Awareness Month: A time to focus on research

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. It’s a month where we stop to think about the 5.8 million Americans living with Alzheimers, and how someone in the US develops the disease every 65 seconds. It’s a time to provide extra support to the more than 16 million Americans who perform the role of caregiver, devoting an estimated 18.5 billion hours of care to those with Alzheimer’s ...

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We Asked 4,000 Patients about Clinical Trials: Here's What Matters Most [Webinar Recap]

Last week, Antidote’s Head of Partnerships, Lindsey Wahlstrom-Edwards, hosted a webinar in which she shared the results of our patient survey. In the survey, we asked nearly 4,000 patients and caregivers about their attitudes and opinions of clinical research to find out what matters most, and how we can better engage patients from all walks of life in medical research.

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Can Crohn's Disease Cause Anemia?

Crohn's disease can be exhausting. But tired feelings may go beyond the stress of dealing with a chronic illness. Over a third of people with Crohn's disease may have anemia: low levels of red blood cells or hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that helps transport oxygen throughout the body, which causes symptoms like fatigue and weakness.

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The New Rules for Clinical Trials Patient Engagement: An ERT Podcast

Recently, Antidote’s Director of Business Development, Rachel Lind, was featured on the fantastic ERT podcast, “Trial Better.” She and host Jason Eger, Director of Organizational Readiness at ERT, discussed the changing landscape of patient recruitment, the ways in which patients are becoming their own advocates, the importance of diversity in clinical trials, and reducing site burden through ...

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