COPD symptoms, risk factors, and workplace accommodations

More than 16 million Americans have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and millions more may have it but don’t recognize the symptoms until later stages of the disease. COPD is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs, making it hard to breathe. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the two most prevalent conditions that contribute to the ...

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Three things to look for when hiring clinical trial recruitment companies

To help speed up timelines for clinical trials, sponsors hire recruitment companies to implement a range of outreach methods, including digital advertising and community partnerships, to find the right patients for a study. Most sites and sponsors evaluate proposals from a few different companies before making a selection, but when choosing a company, you should consider each company’s offerings ...

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An app partnership to reach epilepsy patients for an AI study [case study]

For the 3.4 million Americans who live with active epilepsy, there is no cure. The hope is that seizures can be predicted and prevented, and there are many anti-epileptic medications that can assist with this. But, with various options available, it can be difficult to determine which treatment might be best for a patient. Creative approaches are necessary to provide the best outcomes for ...

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Reflections from the Antidote team for Clinical Trials Day

“Clinical Trials Day,” celebrated annually on May 20th, is a day to recognize both the people who conduct clinical trials and those who take part — and to give gratitude for what they do to improve public health.

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5 metrics that clinical trial patient recruitment companies track

Whether you're running patient recruitment yourself or working with a clinical trial patient recruitment company, there are certain metrics you can track to ensure your campaign is running effectively.

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Where to find support if you have multiple sclerosis

It can feel very isolating to receive a multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis, but it’s important to know that you’re not alone. There are a variety of MS advocacy groups and online forums, all with an array of resources to help you feel supported. We share easy-to-access support systems that people with MS, their families, and their care partners should access.

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Volunteering for research studies: 15 questions to ask

You found a local clinical trial opportunity that you’d like to participate in, and you passed the trial’s pre-screening process. Now you’re ready to sign an informed consent form and start the study. However, before you sign on, you can ask the study team as many questions as you would like. Here are some ideas to get you started as you’re evaluating the study and making your decision.

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How to find support and raise awareness during Lupus Awareness Month

May is Lupus Awareness Month, which is an opportunity for the global lupus community to raise awareness of the physical, emotional, and economic impact of lupus. This year, the Lupus Foundation of America is running a campaign to #MakeLupusVisible. The goals are to educate others about lupus, show the world that the lupus community can (virtually) stand together, and promote social media ...

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Diversity and inclusion in clinical trials [one-page primer]

People of color have been (and continue to be) particularly underrepresented in clinical research. Historically, the numbers of clinical trial participants from diverse populations have not reflected real-world populations. The lack of diversity in clinical trials can make it particularly challenging to get a complete picture of a drug’s safety and efficacy. That’s why it’s critical that the ...

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Everything you need to know about clinical trial phases

Due to COVID-19 vaccine and treatment developments, clinical trials have been in the limelight lately. Before reaching patients, every medical intervention (from common ibuprofen pills to specialized cancer drugs) must pass through clinical trial phases. But what are the phases of clinical trials, and why do they matter? Each clinical trial phase has a different goal and separate hurdles to clear ...

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