How to treat primary biliary cholangitis and where to find support

Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is a chronic autoimmune disease. Researchers estimate that about 65 out of every 100,000 women in the United States have PBC (this number is much lower in men). When a person has PBC, the immune system attacks the small bile ducts, which can cause damage to the liver.

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6 digital platforms besides Facebook to try for your next clinical patient recruitment campaign

With Facebook making headlines around data security and privacy concerns, you may be considering advertising alternatives for your clinical trial patient recruitment. While Facebook is still one of the most powerful advertising platforms out there, it's smart to consider diversifying your ad placements. Even if Facebook continues to reign supreme, you may find that certain channels are more ...

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Why is Crohn's disease painful?

Crohn's disease is painful because inflammation in the digestive tract leads to symptoms such as abdominal cramping, severe diarrhea, and rectal bleeding. Some people who suffer from Crohn's also experience joint pain, which can occur alongside digestive flares. Joint swelling, or arthritis, is one of the most common complications of Crohn's that takes place outside of the digestive tract.

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Three strategies clinical trial patient recruitment companies use in 2022

Clinical trial recruitment companies have a lot to be excited about in 2022. Sponsors and study teams have shifted toward decentralized clinical trial models, which has placed a renewed focus on the rapidly evolving digital space to cast a wide recruitment net. We outline three strategies that clinical trial patient recruitment companies will use in 2022.

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End of year wrap-up: Thank you to our partners

As 2021 wraps up and 2022 begins, we wanted to give a shoutout to all of our partners: Thank you for doing all the instrumental work you do day in and day out!

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What are the early warning signs of a heart attack?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds, and approximately 805,000 people in the United States suffer this fate each year. Some heart attack symptoms are sudden and intense while others are subtle, but the consequences can be fatal, especially if you don’t get help right away. Look out for these early warning ...

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5 essential rules for clinical trial patient recruitment

Since the first controlled clinical trial way back in 1747, researchers have needed volunteers to take part. We don't know how difficult it was for James Lind to find 12 sailors willing to try a treatment for scurvy, but we're sure he had to make a strong pitch that focused on all the benefits to participate.

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Crohn's disease research round-up [updated]

Updated in December 2021

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What to consider before conducting a decentralized clinical trial [checklist]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many clinical trials adapted by adding virtual elements to their traditional trial approaches. While many could not go fully virtual due to the need to collect samples at specific milestones and check on patients in person, folding in technology kept patients safer and reduced the burden to participation. In many cases, it allowed research to stay on track while the ...

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What is NASH and how do you know if you are at risk?

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, also known as NASH, is an aggressive, severe form of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). When NASH progresses, it can cause liver inflammation, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and eventually liver failure or cancer.

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