Topics: For Sponsors
Could the alternative clinical trial approaches necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic help tip the scales towards fair access to clinical trials?
In our latest whitepaper, “Decentralizing research: How reducing patient burden improves trial diversity,” we take a close look at the current state of diversity in clinical trials, then explore how the decreased participant burden of decentralized trials could help clinical trial patient populations look more like real-world ones.
We explore the benefits of decentralized trials, including improved patient experience, lower barriers to recruitment, increased retention, higher data quality, and better resilience in an emergency. And, we weigh those against potential drawbacks such as a steep learning curve, therapy and disease limitations, and decreased personal touch.
Finally, we share considerations for sponsors to think through when considering decentralizing their clinical trials, including patient education, remote consenting, local lab draws, and more.
Topics: For Sponsors
Topics: For Sponsors