A World Alzheimer's Month resource roundup

Alzheimer’s disease, the most prevalent type of dementia, is diagnosed in more than 6 million Americans. Estimates project that by 2050, 13 million individuals will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. This condition ranks among the top 10 causes of death in the United States, profoundly impacting those diagnosed, their loved ones, and their caregivers. Currently, Alzheimer’s remains a disease with no known cause or cure.

Every September is designated as World Alzheimer’s Month, which encourages people to raise awareness and challenge the stigma surrounding Alzheimer’s. To mark this occasion, we wanted to take the opportunity to share some helpful resources designed for individuals with Alzheimer’s as well as their care providers. From articles to support groups, we hope that the resources below can assist individuals at any stage in their experience with this condition.

Resources for Alzheimer’s patients and caregivers

Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 helpline

This helpline, staffed with specialists and master’s-level clinicians, is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This free service allows individuals to speak confidentially to professionals regarding decision-making support, local resources, general care information, and crisis assistance. Notably, this helpline offers assistance in more than 200 languages so individuals can receive support in their preferred language.

Health disparities resources from UsAgainstAlzheimer’s

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s dedicates resources to address inequities in brain health, and they share statistics stating that Black Americans are twice as likely and Latino Americans are 1.5 times as likely to develop Alzheimer’s compared to White individuals. This page shares their outreach groups for Black Americans and Latino Americans with Alzheimer’s, as well as their Center for Brain Health Equity program.

Caregiver education webinars from CaringKind

CaringKind is an organization primarily centered in New York City, but their monthly webinars are open to everyone. These webinars cover topics ranging from estate planning, communication, activities, and caregiving. Additionally, they also provide several pre-recorded webinars that can be accessed on demand. 

Free publications from the National Institute on Aging

These free publications cover topics such as reducing Alzheimer’s risks, managing agitation, legal and financial planning, and the steps to take after someone receives an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. All of these publications are available in both Spanish and English, and can be downloaded as a PDF or requested as a physical copy.

The Center for Disease Control’s guide for caregivers, family, and friends

This resource is aimed specifically at “informal caregivers” — i.e. unpaid family or friends who are providing long-term care to a loved one. They estimate Americans provide more than 17 billion hours of unpaid care for family and friends with Alzheimer’s each year, many of whom are also caring for children simultaneously. Being a care provider in any capacity can be taxing, so this resource provides tips for structuring care as well as stress management resources for individuals in this role.

Caregiver support groups through the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

These support groups, run by licensed social workers specially trained in Alzheimer’s and dementia care, provide caregivers with the opportunity to connect with others and share their stories. These groups meet via telephone, so individuals can attend from anywhere in the country to find support and community.

Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials

Researchers do not yet understand the cause or the cure for Alzheimer’s, but promising research is continually taking place to find new breakthroughs in the space. Clinical trials that study potential new treatments are always looking for volunteers to take part, and volunteering can potentially provide patients with access to cutting-edge therapies and disease specialists.

Understanding Alzheimer’s from BrightFocus Foundation

This fact sheet provides a quick, easy-to-understand overview of what Alzheimer’s is, some current facts and statistics, and the current research landscape of the condition. BrightFocus also has a number of informative articles and other resources available online, in addition to a regular newsletter sent to subscribers. 

Free Aware & Share Cards from the Dementia Society of America

These free cards, provided by the Dementia Society of America, provide individuals with a discreet way to inform others that they may need help communicating, need extra time to respond, and ask for repetition in conversation. They are durable cards that can be used repeatedly and can help those living with Alzheimer’s navigate the world more independently.

Recent research from the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center

The NADRC has an entire page of its website dedicated to resources, which is updated in real-time as new developments, research results, and recent events are published throughout the web. This is a page worth bookmarking, as new information regarding Alzheimer’s comes out often.

Articles from Caregiving.com

Caregiving.com specializes in helping caregivers for a variety of conditions, one of which is Alzheimer’s and dementia. Their Alzheimer’s article hub features a collection of many great articles focused on topics such as coping with wandering, reducing injury risk, and medication management.

Participating in an Alzheimer’s clinical trial can be a great way to help medical breakthroughs happen. Many studies allow a caregiver to enroll a loved one on their behalf and can provide access to new and better treatments. To learn more about the studies that are currently taking place, click the button below:

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